FCE Preparation

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Key word transformation


Tenses (1)

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, use the word(s) given. Do not change the word(s) given.
  1. Walking the dog just after lunch was Paul's daily habit. – – – WALK – – – Paul the dog just after lunch.
  2. Whose is this bag? – – – BELONG – – – Who ?
  3. People believe that Mr. Clark was murdered. – – – WAS – – – It is murdered.
  4. When you rang me, it was my shower time. – – – I – – – When you rang me, shower.
  5. When did Frank and Sue get married? – – – LONG – – – How married?
  6. I rented this apartment a month ago. – – – MONTH – – – It I rented this apartment.
  7. My father asked me what I was doing there. – – – HERE – – – “What ?” my father asked.
  8. Look at the sky! There's definitely rain on the way! – – – TO – – – Look at the sky! It rain.
  9. They are treating animals well at this zoo. – – – TREATED – – – well at this zoo.
  10. After speaking to her mother, Lucy began to feel more confident. – – – BECOME – – – Since speaking to her mother, Lucy more confident.

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