CAE Preparation

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Word formation


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Suffixes (1)

Use the words in brackets to form adjectives, nouns or verbs with the help of suffixation.
  1. Children at that age are developing (create) thinking.
  2. I need to be extra (care) now, since I'm being kept under close (supervise).
  3. “Pippy Dippy” is our daughter's (imagine) friend.
  4. Current research is focusing on ways to (length) the distances one can travel when using (alternate) fuel vehicles.
  5. Because of the number of project requests we get, we need to really (priority) our projects so that those which are most (critic) and (benefit) are given attention before others.
  6. The only possible way of now getting round the problem is to (false) the results.
  7. I simply can't take anymore of his (child) behavior! Why does he always behave like that? This is really (hope)!
  8. When applying for (replace) plates and/or tabs, please indicate the number of plate(s) you wish to have replaced.
  9. The WHO says about 200 million people around the world are (asthma).
  10. During his (boy) John was a rather naughty child.

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