a full-time job –
a job that requires the whole of the standard work week, usually forty hours or more

a part-time job –
a job that requires less time than a full-time job,often twenty hours a week or less

a permanent job –
a job that does not have a fixed end, one that is expected to be on-going

a temporary job –
a job that ends after a specified or fixed period

a nine-to-five job –
term for the standard job that begins at nine a.m. and ends at five p.m., Monday-Friday, used to describe normal work, often in an office or store

a contract –
an agreement between an employer and an employee regarding work that specifies the rights and duties of both parties

a contractor –
someone that agrees to perform services for a specified price, often in areas such as construction or consulting

volunteer work –
work done of one's own free will, without the expectation of financial gain, such as work for charity organizations

blue-collar –
describes skilled or semi-skilled manual labor, such as construction, factory work, etc.

white-collar –
describes any non-manual labor, especially office work and professions such as doctor, lawyer, accountant, secretary, etc.