Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs


Phrasal verb practise

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Phrasal verbSentenceText

back outBACK OUTIf you back out from our contract, you will have to pay money to the firm.The phrasal verb in text

be aboveBE ABOVEYou should be above all anger.The phrasal verb in text

be on top of the worldBE ON TOP OF THE WORLDI am on top of the world. I feel so great!The phrasal verb in text

beat about the bushBEAT ABOUT THE BUSHDon't beat about the bush, come straight to the point.The phrasal verb in text

blow upBLOW UPThe soldiers blew up the house.The phrasal verb in text

boss aroundBOSS AROUNDHe is just bossing everybody around. Nobody likes him.The phrasal verb in text

break upBREAK UPJohn and Alice broke up last month.The phrasal verb in text

bring upBRING UPI was brought up to respect the law.The phrasal verb in text

brush upBRUSH UPI should brush up my French before I go to Paris.The phrasal verb in text

call offCALL OFFThe workers have called off the strikeThe phrasal verb in text

calm downCALM DOWNCalm down, there's nothing to worry about.The phrasal verb in text

catch onCATCH ONI don't think this new fashion will catch on. It looks too strange!The phrasal verb in text

cheat onCHEAT ONShe has been cheating on me while I've been away.The phrasal verb in text

come acrossCOME ACROSSI came across this book under your bed.The phrasal verb in text

come trueCOME TRUEMy dream has come true.The phrasal verb in text

come upCOME UPI'm sorry. Something has come up. I have to cancel our meeting.The phrasal verb in text

count downCOUNT DOWNThe spaceship is already being counted down.The phrasal verb in text

count onCOUNT ONYou can always count on Bob, he will never fail you.The phrasal verb in text

cover upCOVER UPAre the governments of the world covering up the truth about UFOs?The phrasal verb in text

cut acrossCUT ACROSSI got here early by cutting across the field.The phrasal verb in text

cut downCUT DOWNThe factory's production has been cut down.The phrasal verb in text

die hardDIE HARDEnergy crisis shows that old habits die hard.The phrasal verb in text

do away withDO AWAY WITHOur company has decided to do away with the old machinery.The phrasal verb in text

do withoutDO WITHOUTThe director cannot do without a secretary.The phrasal verb in text

doll upDOLL UPJane dolled herself up for the party.The phrasal verb in text

doze offDOZE OFFDid our boss notice that I dozed off in the middle of his speech?The phrasal verb in text

drift apartDRIFT APARTAfter twelve years of marriage, the two people began to drift apart.The phrasal verb in text

fall behindFALL BEHINDYour work has fallen behind that of the other students!!!The phrasal verb in text

feel blueFEEL BLUEI often feel blue when it rains.The phrasal verb in text

get acrossGET ACROSSDid you get your message across?The phrasal verb in text

get around toGET AROUND TOI should be able to get around to that job next week.The phrasal verb in text

get carried awayGET CARRIED AWAYShe got carried away while watching a soap opera.The phrasal verb in text

get evenGET EVENI'd like to get even with the man who damaged my car.The phrasal verb in text

get rid ofGET RID OFI don't know how to get rid of door-to-door missionaries.The phrasal verb in text

give awayGIVE AWAYDon't give away the ending of the story, it will spoil it.The phrasal verb in text

go againstGO AGAINSTYou should never go against your clientThe phrasal verb in text

go forGO FORGo for it before it's too late!The phrasal verb in text

hang aroundHANG AROUNDDon't hang around; we have a train to catch.The phrasal verb in text

hang upHANG UPDon't hang up! I haven't finished talking to you.The phrasal verb in text

hide outHIDE OUTYou'd better hide out here until the police have stopped trying to catch you.The phrasal verb in text

hold againstHOLD AGAINSTWhat do you actually hold against him?The phrasal verb in text

hook upHOOK UPAngelina and Brad hooked up in Morocco.The phrasal verb in text

hound outHOUND OUTWhen his employers learned about his past, they hounded him out.The phrasal verb in text

kick offKICK OFFThe theatre company will kick off the season with a production of 'Jesus Christ Superstar'.The phrasal verb in text

kick outKICK OUTIf the new actor is not good, kick him out.The phrasal verb in text

kiss up toKISS UP TOYou should think of some ways to kiss up to your boss.The phrasal verb in text

leave outLEAVE OUTThe organizer has left Bobby out of the team.The phrasal verb in text

let downLET DOWNI was depending on him but he let me down.The phrasal verb in text

let outLET OUTMary had accidentally let out that her mother telephoned.The phrasal verb in text

look down onLOOK DOWN ONWomen have grown tired of being looked down on by employers.The phrasal verb in text

look intoLOOK INTOThe police are looking into the disappearance of your teacher.The phrasal verb in text

look up toLOOK UP TOEvery child needs someone to look up to.The phrasal verb in text

mix upMIX UPMy papers are all mixed up.The phrasal verb in text

pass awayPASS AWAYI'm sorry to hear that your uncle passed away last week.The phrasal verb in text

pin onPIN ONWhy did they pin the blame on me? I did not do it!The phrasal verb in text

pull togetherPULL TOGETHERWe must all pull together if we want to win.The phrasal verb in text

put in a nutshellPUT IN A NUTSHELLPut in a nutshell, you've made a terrible mistake.The phrasal verb in text

put offPUT OFFNever put off till tomorrow what you can do today.The phrasal verb in text

rake upRAKE UPLina doesn't want to rake up her past.The phrasal verb in text

run afterRUN AFTERAll the boys are running after the sexy new student.The phrasal verb in text

run forRUN FORMr.Smith announces plan to run for senator in N.Y. next yearThe phrasal verb in text

see offSEE OFFAll the parents were at the station, seeing their children off to school.The phrasal verb in text

set offSET OFFJohn set off for work an hour ago. Hasn't he arrived yet?The phrasal verb in text

show offSHOW OFFHe visited us just to show off his new car.The phrasal verb in text

slave awaySLAVE AWAYBy slaving away for two hours, I at last got the carpet clean.The phrasal verb in text

stop overSTOP OVERWe need two days for the journey, stopping over at a small town on the way.The phrasal verb in text

take afterTAKE AFTERThe boy takes after his mother. He has the same red hair and big blue eyes.The phrasal verb in text

take offTAKE OFFWatch that bird taking off from the branch!The phrasal verb in text

take upTAKE UPThat big clock takes up too much space in the small hall. It will have to go.The phrasal verb in text

talk backTALK BACKDon't talk back to your mother when she is giving you advice.The phrasal verb in text

tell apartTELL APARTJim and Jack are so much alike that their own mother can hardly tell them apart.The phrasal verb in text

track downTRACK DOWNThe doctors were able to track down the cause of the infection.The phrasal verb in text

turn intoTURN INTOThe city is turning into a meeting place for criminals.The phrasal verb in text

turn upside downTURN UPSIDE DOWNThey turned the whole room upside down, but they didn't find the key.The phrasal verb in text

warm upWARM UPLet's sing a few exercises first to warm up.The phrasal verb in text

wipe outWIPE OUTThese tropical diseases can wipe out the populations of whole villages.The phrasal verb in text

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